Monday, October 29, 2012

History of Smart Phones

Smart Phones have been around us for twenty years in which it's able to change our lives in a sort of a way that allows us to be in a more comfortable and easy world. News has been out that there are more than a billion smart phones used since twenty years which is really amazing. There are many amazing smart phones that has been used throughout 20 years which some are going to be the legendary ones that really bought us comfort such as Apple's Iphones, Sony Ericsson P910, old HTC, etc. These phones has been evolving massively having more application and speed able to benefit our daily lives.

Major Concepts

  • Smart phones are really beneficial to our daily lives
  • Smart phones reach the 1 billion mark of usage
  • First smart phones IBM simon's (major concept of creation), first head set ear jack HP Ipaq h6315, and even the first touch screen phone, which are able to make us develop the modern smartphones
Potential Strength

The first fact that the author use is that he mentioned about smartphones has been around for twenty years and over a billion people use it. I think that the authors ideas are trust able because he really showed the generation of smart phones by having an example picture of a popular smart phone made in that year for 20 years. His number which is is 1 billion makes sense because everybody in this generation uses smart phones. These arguments are strength of the author because they are true facts that help me understand the topic better. He also had a short explanation about the evolution of smart phones which become touch in these days.

Potential Problems/Disadvantages/Limitations

I think that the information in this site or topic is really less but it's very rich in pictures so the disadvantage is information. The author could have added some more info describing each generation of phone that he could research on the internet briefly saying some specs about the phone and explain more about the evolution.


Some questions I have about this article is that I wonder how much the speed of a smart phone increase after each year which makes me think even more deeper that are the speed always increasing or staying the same from 1-3 years which I think that many people want to know the answer to this. I also want to discuss with the class about the different processing cores and how it's developing over the years.

Reg, Hard. "Slideshow: A History of the Smartphone in 20 Handsets • Reg Hardware." Slideshow: A History of the Smartphone in 20 Handsets • Reg Hardware. N.p., 17 Oct. 2012. Web. 29 Oct. 2012. <>.