Sunday, January 29, 2012

20,000 Free Wifi Hotspots in Bangkok

The ministry of Information and Communication Technology or MICT has just opened 20,000 new free hotspots in Bangkok which is very interesting and a really fabulous thing to do. MICT opened free hotspots because they wanted the people who have access to the internet and narrow communication. MICT is also aiming to open more free wifi hotspot in October 2012 and about 250,000 nation wide by the year 2015. To register, Thai members need to create a username and password which they need to input their Thai national ID  card number. They are then allowed to access a 2 Mbps internet for free in 2 hours. In addition knowledge MICT is also developing the 3G and 4G system nation wide.

This is like a very good and important news to many people who likes to travel all around Bangkok. This is also  an advantage to people who carry around their IPads with them. Another good and amazing thing is that its going to make more communication possible via Internet and makes education better, which then will increase the amount of users in the Internet. One thing MICT didn't think of is how people are going to access the internet by not having a device to access it, so one big thing MICT can do is give out free computers to the poors, or maybe decrease the price of computers. I think that this project is a good thing to stretch out further by making it available to every person where Internet is not possible.

Admin, . "Opening Over 20,000 Free WiFi Hotspots in Bangkok ." . N.p., 2012. Web. 29 Jan 2012. <>.

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