Another awesome week has past by and we had so much fun in our ICT class. We were on our biggest and the most interesting topic sketch up. Now after Mr. Pete our superstar have thought us a lesson last week to introduce us to it, now he made us make our own restaurant sketch. Mr. Pete was absent on Friday which means that we need to do everything by ourselves. I started off doing a article review and then the challenge came. I needed to make our design the first part of my own building. I had a pretty awesome start because my building looks awesome thanks to Mr. Pete the superstar.
ICT is really fun because we get to learn new stuff every week that is so interesting to learn because of Mr. Pete's teaching skills. I was pretty happy getting to design our own restaurant. I also tried my best to used all the techniques that Mr. Pete thought us as much as possible. I was pretty happy to have a teacher like Mr. Pete teaching us ICT. Another reason I find sketch up interesting is that we get to do imagine our creativity to put on our sketch up and design our very own restaurant. Techniques are really required to sketch up because we need to know how to make each side equal in length, which is very important to make our building look good. Below is the sketch I made on Friday which I tried my best to do.
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