Sunday, November 6, 2011

Flood Issue

After watching the videos I learned many things about flooding and how to save our self from the flood. I learned what to prepare for the floodings such as the food you need to carry around with you and what accessories you need to carry around with you such as torches, mobile phone, mosquito repellant, and many more. The biggest thing you need to understand in flooding are switch the electricity off so that the electricity won’t be passed on the water which could really kill a lot of people by the electricity transferring through the water. Another thing I learned is close everything in your house properly so that the water doesn’t enter. Animals can also be a huge problem, so they thought us to carry a whistle, so that the people know where you are and know that there is an animal nearby. Something I never knew is how they measured the water in whales which really surprised me and make kids understand easily how huge the floods are by comparing it with whales. They also describe the elevation on how the flooding can get stuck in your area. A really big thing I learned in this video that if the water enters Bangkok it will decrease the amount of days that the water will enter the sea. A big thing the video teaches you is that you need to focus and concentrate on the issue, by not just freaking out of the issue and buying all those unusual products that would make your house messy. They also said that don’t trust all those information on the websites too much but just use your critical thinking, focus, and common sense to refer that the news is trustable or not. Another good tip they gave is how to cover your electronics such as big thing like TV, wash machine, and refrigerator. They also teach you to always have a map and look at the information on which state the flood is hitting and see on the news how high the flood is going to be so you could prepare and move your stuff to the highest floor. The last thing I learnt is the toilet which is a really good idea where you take a black plastic bag and sit on it and put your waste products in there so that the products won’t float away into the water and make it really dirty.

The problems that we are facing from floods are there is less storage of food, animals running lose, and people who are infected by dirty water. There are many people who are starving because there is no food to eat. Many animals are lose which some can be very dangerous like the crocodile, and snakes. People who have infections can be more infected by the water because its dirty and makes your cut even worse.

How to survive a flood. First you need your brain to think what is useful to use, not just bringing unuseful stuff with you that will make it hard for you to travel. Number one is of course food, bring food that can be easy keeped and not get roten easily. Secondly bring a torch with you and extra batteries. Thirdly bring a telephone with you so you could contact with others. Fourth try to lock your house as best as you can so nobody could do anything to it. Lastly try bringing as many supplies that are useful as you can such as black plastic bags, a boat where you could float on.

To prepare for this event in the future we should have a better technology of blocking the water so it won't enter the city by building deeper dams and rivers to let the water pass and enter the ocean.

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