Sunday, November 27, 2011

Windows 8

Microsoft will soon be releasing the new operating system of a computer which is windows 8. Microsoft will be releasing it approximately, if there is no errors next year in about the month January. A good thing that Microsoft is offering is that you will be able to install it on to your old laptop or computer with windows 7. Microsoft's goal is to get as many buyers as possible and get feedback on how to improve the next operating system. Another good thing Microsoft is doing is that they going to make the release cheap because when they released windows 7 they got bad feedback and it will be a risk for the fake copies of windows. The best thing Microsoft is trying to do is making the easy to complete in easier steps not like windows 7 where you need to run like 60 different screens to install it which will take a lot of time.

While many other technologies are developing for example Apple which have been releasing new I phones and IPads. Microsoft now are also going to release a new cool thing that will also have many buyers all around the world. I think that Windows 8 will be the nest new step of computer technology which will probably effect the world because it might can be easier, faster, and compatible to other old computers that have windows 7, vista, or xp. I think that this new invention would probably be the a new opening of the year 2012 which it will be on January and allow people to buy it because of their salary in December and bonus money. One thing that is bad is that in Thailand probably you can get the windows for very cheap because there are fake copies which are very bad.

Long, Mark. "Windows 8." Top Tech News. 25 Nov. 2011. Web. 29 Nov. 2011. <>.

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