Sunday, February 19, 2012

Air Blue Sharing

Have you ever forgot your flash drive at home? Have you ever forgot to save your file on your flash drive and came to work without your file? Now there is nothing to worry about because Air Blue sharing is a key to organization. It allows you to share the files of your computer to your phone. Sharing between phones is also possible. This app gives you many new look such as Bluetooth, drop box, and iFile. This allows you to access with any phone that has Bluetooth, even the phones that are very cheap. This would allows you to share pictures videos and many more between your Iphone and other phones that is not an Iphone. This app is a bit expensive but now you are able to get it by jail breaking which is cost less.

A very new good news for Iphone users because you are now able to share or trade your files with other people which save you more time. For example you want to download a song but the internet is so slow, your friend next to you has the song but he is using a nokia. You just get the app and you will be able to receive that song from your friend. It's been so interesting seeing computers and phones evolving just like animals because it getting more compatible with us and it allows you to do anything you want with it if you are a person that likes to forget your files.

Cody. "AirBlue Sharing: A New Jailbreak App That Lets You Share Files over Bluetooth." Http:// 12 Feb. 2012. Web. 20 Feb. 2012. <>.


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