Sunday, February 12, 2012

Math on Google Docs?

Have you ever tried working on a math project where you needed to send around the files between the peoples. Now google docs have released the math equation system. It also you and your partner to access the document together and review or teach you math equations that you are not able to answer. This new system allows you to easily insert a math equation by clicking insert and equation. Then you will be ask to create a new equation, and now you will be able to choose your symbols to enter in your document. For more information you can see the picture below for more information.

This is a very good news for students that are studying high standards in math, which allows you and your friend to discuss online via Google Documents. This allows you to finish your math problems easily and its very easy to use because you don't need to find the equations by yourself. Another good thing about this is that your teacher can also come in and help you while doing the problems, by teaching you and fixing the mistakes that you have. This might allow you to learn math online. Another benefit this system give to teachers is that they can assign you the work and you can access and finish your math problems via the internet. Now the technology is getting so good that education is easier by using the technology, you are also able to save paper instead of writing the equations on the paper.

Hamilton, Paul. "Math in Google Docs with Built-in “Equation Editor” | Free Resources from the Net for EVERY Learner." Free Resources from the Net for EVERY Learner | Supporting Universal Access and Universal Design for Learning. 11 Feb. 2012. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. <>.

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